alok vakr
आलोक = BRIGHTNESS, SPLENDER, MOONLIGHTउदाहरण : चन्द्रमा के आलोक और चमक ने मन मोह लिया।
Usage : The brightness and splendor of the moonlight were captivating.
Usage : The brightness and splendor of the moonlight were captivating.
(Noun) +124
अलोकप्रिय = UNPOPULARउदाहरण : वेअलोकप्रिय भी हो सकती हैं और जो कविताएं अलोकप्रिय होती हैं, वे ही दीर्घायु भी होतीहैं.
Usage : He was unpopular in college.
Usage : He was unpopular in college.
(Adjective) +8
आलोक चिट्र = PHOTOGRAPHउदाहरण : हमने आगरा जाने पर ताजमहल का आलोक चित्र लिया।
Usage : We took the photograph of Tajmahal when we went to Agra.
Usage : We took the photograph of Tajmahal when we went to Agra.
(Noun) +12
आलोकित होना = LIGHTENउदाहरण : नए लाइट्स ने कमरे को काफी आलोकित कर दिया है।
Usage : The new lights have lightened the room considerably.
Usage : The new lights have lightened the room considerably.
(Verb) +21
अलोकप्रियता = UNPOPULARITYउदाहरण : भाजपा के नेताओं का कहना है कि यह चुनावी परिणाम भाजपा और रमन सिंह दोनों की अलोकप्रियता की पुष्टि करता है।
Usage : He risked unpopularity at home and suffered ridicule and jeers for his faith in One World long before that faith became a world - fashion.
Usage : He risked unpopularity at home and suffered ridicule and jeers for his faith in One World long before that faith became a world - fashion.
(Noun) +3